21 research outputs found

    Playing-related health risks among students and teachers of music department at the Koper Art School

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    The study of a musical instrument demands several hours of practicing on a daily basis as well as playing and performing. Consequently, the musician can be subjected to various health risks during his or her study process but also afterwards. Health problems depend on the individual physical and mental fitness, but also on the features and structure of the instrument as well as on the playing technique, which consists of repeated movements and mainly of static body position. Because of the possibility of chronic injuries, especially neuromuscular disorders but also others, it is important for the musician to regularly maintain his or her physical and mental fitness and movement performance by preventive and compensating activities and immediate action in case of pain or when noticing the first signs of medical problems or limitations. The study included 43 students (16.7 ± 1.5 year, 31 females and 12 males) and 15 teachers (36.9 ± 8.8 years, 7 females and 8 males) that attend and teach at the Music Department of The Koper Art School, which is a part of The Koper High School. The aim of the study was to recognize the risk factors in health status that occur as a consequence of playing a music instrument. A questionnaire consisting of 26 questions was used in the research. The results of the study showed that a half of the interviewed students practices every day but teachers practice less (p = 0.04). Therefore, teachers value the importance of physical (p = 0.013) and mental (p = 0.000) fitness more than students. Teachers also estimate their current physical and mental fitness to be higher (p = 0.003). 89.7 % of the respondents feel pain of discomfort during or after playing, out of these 95.3 % are students, and 73.3 % are teachers. These musicians state that they most frequently feel pain in the back and neck area and in the shoulders and wrists. 36.2 % of the musicians, 41.9 % of students and 20 % of teachers, affirmed to have had strains or pain, both of physical and psychological nature. It is indispensable for both students and teachers to be aware of suitable preventive, practicing and therapeutic measures. Preventive activities and control over risk factors can contribute significantly to the motivation for playing, to the quality of producing and reproducing musical works and to the absence of pain, discomfort and injury occurrences among musicians

    Najpogostejši termini s pridevnikom telesni v slovenski kineziološki terminologiji in njihovi angleški ustrezniki

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    In Slovenian kinesiological terminology, the adjective telesni most often appears in terms telesna vadba, telesna dejavnost, telesna pripravljenost, telesna aktivnost and telesna zmogljivost. For some of these terms it could be inferred that they are synonyms, based on their translation into English in the texts by Slovenian kinesiologists. This applies both to the terms telesna pripravljenost and telesna zmogljivost, both of which were translated as physical fitness, as well as to the terms telesna dejavnost and telesna aktivnost, which correspond to the English term physical activity. The term (telesna) vadba, mostly translated as (physical) exercise, was occasionally also translated as physical activity. We examined the semantic differences between these terms by checking the other Slovenian equivalents for the phrase physical activity and the nouns fitness and exercise in our sample of professional and scientific texts in the field of kinesiology. Among the Slovenian terms that refer to the meaning of the English term physical activity, we identified, beside telesna dejavnost, which appears to be by far the most established, and telesna aktivnost, also the termsgibalna dejavnost and gibalna aktivnost as those that carry the same meaning and tend to be used most often. We propose that the term gibalna aktivnost (or gibalna dejavnost) should be used for this concept, for the purpose of greater terminological clarity. In the lay use of these terms in online texts, telesna aktivnost had the highest frequency and telesna dejavnost was the second most common term in the general usage, followed by fizična aktivnost, which was not used in kinesiological terminology.In kinesiological texts, the noun fitness was translated not only as telesna pripravljenost, but also, exceptionally, as (telesni) fitnes, telesna priprava, splošna kondicijska priprava, kondicija and vzdržljivost. Regarding the synonyms telesna pripravljenost and telesna zmogljivost, we noted that the former is more widespread, in both the terminological and general usage. In the general web-used Slovenian, the phrases fizična pripravljenost, fizična kondicija and telesna kondicija are all present as common synonyms, while experts advise against using the noun kondicija and also avoid using the adjective fizični. We suggest that the term telesna zmogljivost should be used as the Slovenian equivalent of the term physical fitness, and telesna pripravljenost as the term corresponding to physical condition, based on the definition of the term telesna zmogljivost on the SLOfit website (Faculty of Sports, University of Ljubljana), which explains this concept as a combination of physical condition and body composition. In addition to translating the noun exercise as (telesna) vadba, Slovenian kinesiologists also employed the nouns napor and vaja as the equivalents of this English term. Although they translated the Slovenian noun vadba most frequently as exercise, the other terms they used as English equivalents were training, workout, practice and physical activity, while the term trening was usually translated into English as either training or training session. The terms vadba and trening are closely interconnected; trening may be considered to be a hyponym of the term vadba. It seems that this semantic distinction does not apply to the general use of these terms in online texts, where the noun trening appears more often than vadba, in contrast to the data for kinesiological terminology.Pridevnik telesni se v kineziološki terminologiji najpogosteje pojavlja v terminih telesna vadba, telesna dejavnost, telesna pripravljenost, telesna aktivnost in telesna zmogljivost. Za nekatere od teh terminov bi lahko na podlagi njihovega prevajanja v angleščino v besedilih slovenskih kineziologov sklepali, da so sinonimi. To velja tako za termina telesna pripravljenost in telesna zmogljivost, ki se oba prevajata kot physical fitness, kot tudi za termina telesna dejavnost in telesna aktivnost, ki ustrezata angleškemu terminu physical activity, sinonim za zadnja dva pa bi lahko predstavljal celo termin (telesna) vadba, ki se sicer večinoma prevaja kot (physical) exercise, občasno pa tudi kot physical activity. Razmerja med temi pojmi smo preverjali tako, da smo v uporabljenem vzorcu strokovnih in znanstvenih člankov raziskali še ostale slovenske ustreznike za termine physical activity, fitness in exercise. V zvezi s slovenskimi termini, ki so v rabi za pojem physical activity, smo kot najpogostejše in ustrezne identificirali telesno dejavnost, ki je zdaleč najbolj uveljavljeni termin, in telesno aktivnost, pa tudi gibalno dejavnost in gibalno aktivnost. Sami sicer zaradi večje pojmovne jasnosti za ta pojem predlagamo besedno zvezo gibalna aktivnost (ali gibalna dejavnost). V splošni rabi znotraj spletne slovenščine ima izmed omenjenih poimenovanj najvišjo frekvenco telesna aktivnost, drugo najpogostejše je telesna dejavnost, tretje najpogostejše pa je fizična aktivnost, ki se v kineziološki terminologiji ne pojavlja. Samostalnik fitness se je v kinezioloških besedilih prevajal ne samo kot telesna pripravljenost, pač pa, izjemoma, tudi kot (telesni) fitnes, telesna priprava, splošna kondicijska priprava, kondicija in vzdržljivost. V zvezi s sinonimoma telesna pripravljenost in telesna zmogljivost ugotavljamo, da je prvi tako v terminološki kot splošni rabi bolj razširjen. V splošni rabi so kot pogosto rabljeni sinonimi za termin telesna pripravljenost navzoči fizična pripravljenost, fizična kondicija in telesna kondicija, vendar pa strokovnjaki odsvetujejo rabo besede kondicija, pridevnika fizični pa ne uporabljajo. Predlagamo, da se kot slovenski ustreznik termina physical fitness v kineziologiji uporablja telesna zmogljivost, telesna pripravljenost pa kot ustreznik angleškega termina physical condition, na podlagi razlage termina telesna zmogljivost na spletišču SLOfit Fakultete za šport Univerze v Ljubljani, ki ta pojem razlaga kot kombinacijo telesne pripravljenosti in telesne sestave. Samostalnik exercise se v strokovni literaturi ni prevajal samo kot (telesna) vadba, ampaktudi s samostalnikoma napor in vaja. Slovenski kineziologi prevajajo samostalnik vadba resda najpogosteje kot exercise, vendar pa tudi kot training, workout, practice in physical activity, medtem ko slovenski termin trening navadno prevajajo kot training ali training session. Vadba in trening sta povezana termina, in sicer trening označuje del procesa športne vadbe. Zdi se, da v splošni rabi tega razlikovanja med besedama ni, saj se trening v korpusu spletne slovenščine pojavlja pogosteje kot vadba, medtem ko je v terminološki rabi razmerje obrnjeno v prid slednje

    Procjena vještine penjanja u četverogodišnjaka

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    The aim of the study was to examine the characteristics of climbing skills among four-year-old children. The fundamental movement pattern of climbing was evaluated because of its role in the process of motor development. 107 children performed a climbing test, where specially adapted 275 cm high and 90 degree set vertical ladder with 15, 30 and 45 cm distance between horizontal bars was used. The climbing time, as a measure of climbing effectiveness was correlated with climbing proficiency, the body characteristics and data obtained by accelerometers. Climbing proficiency variables were established for the purpose of this study. Climbing time in the main climbing task (climbing ladder 90 degrees, 15 cm) was statistically significantly correlated with climbing proficiency (r=-0.713, p< 0.001) and with body height (r=-0.230, p=0.026), however, it was not significantly correlated with the daily amount (r = -0.425, p=0.101) and intensity (r=0.086, p=0.750) of physical activity. Climbing proficiency is the most important factor of climbing effectiveness. Children have to master the proficiency of climbing skills through specially designed physical activity programmes with proper skill instructions and in environments that stimulate the development of various forms of climbing skills.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je proučiti obilježja vještine penjanja među četverogodišnjom djecom. Osnovni uzorak pokreta bio je procijenjen zbog njegove uloge u procesu motoričkog razvoja. 107 djece bilo je podvrgnuto testu penjanja za koji su se koristile posebno prilagođene vertikalne ljestve visine 275 cm i 90 stupnjeva sa 15, 30 i 45 cm razmaka između horizontalnih prečki. Vrijeme penjanja, kao mjera učinkovitosti penjanja, korelirano je s vještinom penjanja, tjelesnim karakteristikama i podacima dobivenih akcelerometrima. Varijable za vještinu penjanja uspostavljene za ovo istraživanje. Vrijeme penjanja kod glavnog zadatka penjanja (penjanje na ljestve pod 90 stupnjeva i s razmakom od 15cm) statistički je značajno korelirano s vještinom penjanja (r=-0,713, p<0,001) i s tjelesnom visinom (r=-0,230, p=0,026). Međutim, nije značajno korelirano s dnevnom količinom (r= -0,425, p=0,101) i intenzitetom (r=0,086, p=0,750) fizičke aktivnosti. Čimbenik vještine penjanja najvažniji je za učinkovitost penjanja. Djeca moraju steći iskustvo u vještini penjanja putem posebno oblikovanih programa fizičkih aktivnosti i primjerene obuke koja se održava u okolini koja stimulira razvoj različitih oblika vještina penjanja

    Fiziološke reakcije muških i ženskih sprintera na 400m

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    The primary objective of this study was to determine the differences between male and female athletes competing in the 400m running event, in the parameters for the assessment of not only aerobic and anaerobic energy capacity but also other physiological parameters. Trained 400m (14 male and 14 female) track athletes volunteered to take part in this study. All subjects performed an incremental treadmill test (1 km/h speed increase per minute, 1.5% gradient). The parameters FVC and FEV1S in the male athletes were of higher values than in the female athletes, while there were no significant differences in FEV1S%. A statistically significant difference was found in the parameters for the assessment of aerobic energy capacity in favour of male athletes. Significantly higher values of anaerobic capacity were found in male sprinters (5.7  km/h) compared to female sprinters (4.5 km/h). In other physiological parameters such as HRmax values and HR at VT there were no statistically significant differences. It can be concluded that it is necessary to determine whether there are differences in these parameters between male and female sprinters which will result in a more organized plan for the collective training process. Studies like this can help coaches develop athletes’ performance according to their abilities.Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između muških i ženskih atletičara koji se natječu u trčanju na 400 m, u parametrima koji procjenjuju ne samo aerobni i anaerobni energetski kapacitet već i druge fiziološke parametre. Trenirani atletičari na 400 m (14 muških i 14 ženskih) dragovoljno su sudjelovali u ovom istraživanju. Svi ispitanici izvodili su inkrementalni treadmill test (1 km/h povećanje brzine u minuti, 1,5% nagib). Parametri FVC i FEV1S su kod muških atletičara većih vrijednosti nego u ženskih atletičarki, dok nije bilo značajne razlike u FEV1S%. Statistički značajna razlika pronađena je u parametrima za procjenu aerobnog kapaciteta energije u korist muških atletičara. Značajno više vrijednosti anaerobnog kapaciteta pronađene su kod muških (5,7 km/h) sprintera u odnosu na ženske (4,5 km/h). U drugim fiziološkim parametrima, kao što su HRmax vrijednosti i HR na VT nema statistički značajne razlike. Može se zaključiti da je potrebno utvrditi postoje li razlike u tim parametrima između muških i ženskih sprintera, koje će rezultirati organiziranijim planiranjem kolektivnog procesa obuke. Studije kao što je ova mogu pomoći trenerima razvijati atletičareve performanse u skladu s njihovim sposobnostima

    Fiziološke reakcije muških i ženskih sprintera na 400m

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    The primary objective of this study was to determine the differences between male and female athletes competing in the 400m running event, in the parameters for the assessment of not only aerobic and anaerobic energy capacity but also other physiological parameters. Trained 400m (14 male and 14 female) track athletes volunteered to take part in this study. All subjects performed an incremental treadmill test (1 km/h speed increase per minute, 1.5% gradient). The parameters FVC and FEV1S in the male athletes were of higher values than in the female athletes, while there were no significant differences in FEV1S%. A statistically significant difference was found in the parameters for the assessment of aerobic energy capacity in favour of male athletes. Significantly higher values of anaerobic capacity were found in male sprinters (5.7  km/h) compared to female sprinters (4.5 km/h). In other physiological parameters such as HRmax values and HR at VT there were no statistically significant differences. It can be concluded that it is necessary to determine whether there are differences in these parameters between male and female sprinters which will result in a more organized plan for the collective training process. Studies like this can help coaches develop athletes’ performance according to their abilities.Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između muških i ženskih atletičara koji se natječu u trčanju na 400 m, u parametrima koji procjenjuju ne samo aerobni i anaerobni energetski kapacitet već i druge fiziološke parametre. Trenirani atletičari na 400 m (14 muških i 14 ženskih) dragovoljno su sudjelovali u ovom istraživanju. Svi ispitanici izvodili su inkrementalni treadmill test (1 km/h povećanje brzine u minuti, 1,5% nagib). Parametri FVC i FEV1S su kod muških atletičara većih vrijednosti nego u ženskih atletičarki, dok nije bilo značajne razlike u FEV1S%. Statistički značajna razlika pronađena je u parametrima za procjenu aerobnog kapaciteta energije u korist muških atletičara. Značajno više vrijednosti anaerobnog kapaciteta pronađene su kod muških (5,7 km/h) sprintera u odnosu na ženske (4,5 km/h). U drugim fiziološkim parametrima, kao što su HRmax vrijednosti i HR na VT nema statistički značajne razlike. Može se zaključiti da je potrebno utvrditi postoje li razlike u tim parametrima između muških i ženskih sprintera, koje će rezultirati organiziranijim planiranjem kolektivnog procesa obuke. Studije kao što je ova mogu pomoći trenerima razvijati atletičareve performanse u skladu s njihovim sposobnostima

    Navdihujoči umiki za oddih v obdobju po COVID-19

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